K-Client Project is dead.
You can still use this client but can't connect to the nymia chat server anymore.
The K-Client is a Client modification of the game Teeworlds.
Modification by Krisko and Ice*CreamXx
- 64 player support
- Connect multiple tees to different servers
- Clickable links
- Chat-colors in f1
- Ingame serverbrowser
- (ingame) Changeable fonts/gameskins/menu background/entities
- A chat
- Some bots (there is also a version without bots if you prefer that)
- Games (2048 / Snake)
- A bind menu for the extra stuff
- Companions that are just flying at your side and don't really do anything (well, Navi makes noises!)
- Some translations
- Ultra professional update notifications (but it just links to this site, so you have to download it by yourself again)
- A not-so-serious developer
- A lot of unnecessary stuff
- ... and much more
Changelog 1.7:
- Use variables in the 'say' command and in the remote console. Type 'rcon_say_help' in the console for more info about it
- Command 'netclient_connect' is now able to connect netclients to a specified host/ip
- Use 'bind x' to see what you bound on key x
- Fixed bug where some maps didn't download
- You can play on fng2+ without being falsely recognized as a bot - with the botless version
Changelog 1.6.2:
- Added option to display player id's above their names (like in debug mode)
- Fixed emoticons selected from menu not working
Changelog 1.6.1:
- Fixed mouse sensitivity scrollbar
- Fixed not being able to copy unlimited lines from console
Changelog 1.6:
- Added safety stuff from Teeworlds version 0.6.4
- Added option to change the particle and emoticon skins (put them in your teeworlds folder /data/particles/ or /data/emoticons/)
- Fixed demo camera lagging
- Fixed line-copy not working in chat console
- Fixed "new message"-Notification not hiding when closing an unread tab in the chat console
Changelog 1.5.1:
- Added Security Token for spoof protection (from ddnet)
Changelog 1.5:
- Hook will stay outside when opening the menu or chat
- Added line-selection in the console (copies to clipboard on mousebutton release - only on windows version)
- Fixed some special characters not being copied/pasted correctly
- Fixed votes not being removed when joining while a vote is active
Changelog 1.4.2:
- Fixed rcon not showing additional commands after adding another netclient
- Fixed damage indicators (stars) sometimes not deleting when adding a netclient
- Fixed info from buttons in the console rendering underneath the console
Changelog 1.4.1:
- You can now disable notifications for versions with "just bugfixes"
- Fixed message notifications from nymia being stuck after you read the messages
Changelog 1.4:
- Added option to spectate people while playing (of course only if they get snapped)
- Added option to change the background color of x-ray
- Added bind for +k_hooklines (hold key instead of toggle)
- Added Dummy options
- Removed disconnect message (doesn't work anymore. lol)
- Changed some options (Nymia, Companions, Controls). Combined Player and Tee tabs
- Serverinfo now always shows the correct server address
- Fixed rainbow not working correctly
Changelog 1.3:
- Added companions (Thanks to VelonoX for images)
- Added hooklines (Extras -> Help)
- Added option to change chat colors (Customize -> Chat color)
- Added polish language (Thanks to mkjol)
- Players in Nymia are now sorted alphabetically
- Fixed crashbug that sometimes happened when you activated ping in hud and there were too many projectiles/explosions
- Fixed crashbug that occured when you added a netclient on a ddnet server (because ddnet sends you 2 different maps now)
- Fixed password popup not showing up when connecting a second netclient to another server with password
- Fixed bug where you didn't see commands in f2 with a new netclient
- Fixed bug where deactivating super dynamic cam caused the normal dynamic cam (if activated before) to also deactivate
- Maybe fixed nymia follow crashbug ._.
Changelog 1.2.1:
- Added version without bots
- Added cinematic camera mode thingy... just for fun (Extras -> Camera)
- Added rainbow (Customize -> Tee Skin)
- Added a new game (Pong)
- Optimized Snake a bit
- You can now change the netclient while downloading a map
- Fixed a crashbug
- Fixed a bug where you didn't see rcon commands with netclients > 0
- Fixed some smaller bugs